Monday, August 3, 2009

Just add zombie

So... This weekend was the first time my Playstation 3 had been powered on in about four months. Sad, but true. Having kids eliminates daddy's playtime. Several months ago, all of us old high school pals and a few new friends would spend every Friday night playing games. Modern technology has come a long way. Sadly, we still do not have any of the cool stuff as seen on "The Jetsons" or a Buck Roger comic book, but, by golly, a bunch of boys can turn on their Playstation 3 systems, connect online and then play one another no matter the locations. After a long week of work, these evenings were always a nice getaway, even if we cursed the young kids who showed no mercy by beating us relentlessly. Sadly, we haven't played in some time---four months for me apparently. Saturday night, I fired up my system, and following a few updates, "Call of Duty: World at War" began playing on the HDTV. Kids today, they have it so much better than previous generations. Not once, in all my Atari playing days, was a game updated whereby enhancing its content and gameplay. Amazing. Ok, ok, this blog is getting boring with all this talk about video games, but I do have a point. Again, my mind works in very mysterious ways. My "Call of Duty" was updated, and I was happy to see new games available. New games featuring, what, oh yeah, NAZI ZOMBIES. Are you kidding me?? Sweet action. Not only can I continue playing simulated WWII battles against the Nazis, but now I can kill Nazi zombies too. Now the point of my blog tonight: This proves a theory of mine I've argued for some time - things only get better when adding zombies.


Movies. Who didn't see "Titanic"? It was a huge blockbuster. Huge. One thing always bothered me though: Why couldn't Rose share the piece of driftwood with poor ol' Jack? Really. Kind of selfish if you ask me. After all the entanglements he escaped, both on the ship and in his hard knock life, his end comes by freezing to death while holding on to a piece of wood. Pathetic. Now, what if James Cameron had thrown some zombies in the mix? If anyone steals this idea, you are all my witnesses: So, the survivors drift to a distant island and wait for rescue. Days later, parts of the Titanic float to shore. And then it happens, bodies begin drifting to the shore, but once on land, they become ZOMBIE-FIED!! Seriously, this would be the greatest movie of all time.

Books. "To Kill a Mockingbird" will always be my favorite book ever. Ever. Bonus - it's one of the few books with a movie just as wonderful, starring the late, great Gregory Peck. Again, it's already greatness in my opinion, but what if---go with me here---what if Tom Robinson returns as a zombie extracting revenge on Bob Ewell and the courthouse mob. Before you know it, most of Maycomb, Alabama, has been transformed into zombies. Only Atticus, Jem, Scout, Calpurnia and few others remain un-zombie-fied. How can this madness be stopped? In steps, Boo Radley, a brilliant young man who has concocted an antidote that will end the zombie transformation process. Dude, talk about ZOMBIE-RIFIC! You're feeling it, right?

TV. "Full House" + zombies....'nuff said. Well, poor example. Very little can help that show. Really, what were we thinking?

Music. If someone can make money from dogs barking "Jingle Bells" while another profits by the lyrical masterpiece describing a Grandma getting run over by a reindeer, a zombie Christmas record would be holiday happiness. Maybe even add them to one a Christmas cartoon. Rudolph and zombies, maybe?? Merry Christmas.

Now to review:

1 - Adding zombies to anything makes it better;

2 - Buy your husbands/boyfriends a Playstation 3 this holiday season.


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