Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Shawshank with a Discount

This is an actual conversation I overheard at a local WalMart this afternoon between a father and his 9 yr old son:

Oh cool, GI Joe!!
[browsing and grabbing new action figures]

Ain't no fuckin' GI Joe I know about.
Come on.

Ahhhh, WalMart.

Next time you venture into a store, pay close attention to the conversations around you. Listen in, but keep a safe distance. Having spent zero time in a confinement, I am willing to bet most of the conversations overheard in WalMart stores are the same often taking place on penitentiary grounds right after dinner and between the 8PM shanking of the newbies.

1 comment:

Dane said...

I tell my husband this every time we are in Wal-mart. It makes me want to take a shower everytime we have to go there. Ick!

I can say that I have not had the prison lingo yet. Thankfully my kids are too young for the cussing just yet. Can't wait until they understand what all the rednecks and gangsters are saying! Should be lots of fun in the 1st grade trying to explain that to their teacher!