Thursday, September 25, 2008
More Bloggin' Please
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Stop It. Please.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Word of Advice
Good luck.
Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday, July 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
This Week's Rant
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Do Not Attempt
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Like Father, Like Daughter
This of course is Miss Harper.
She is wearing the infamous Rick James dreads.
Someday, she will follow in my footsteps.
We Are People
Monday, June 2, 2008
24-Hour Discount Hell
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Remember hearing sounds coming from your closet when you were little?
TOKYO (AFP) - A Japanese man puzzled by food mysteriously disappearing from his refrigerator got a shock when he found out a woman had been living in his home for months without permission, police said Friday.
The 57-year-old man living alone -- or so he thought -- in the western city of Fukuoka installed a security camera and called the police when he saw images of someone walking around his home while he was out.
"We searched the house in the man's presence. We found the woman in the closet," said a local police spokesman.
The woman, named as 58-year-old Tatsuko Horikawa, was found in a flat storage space only just big enough for a person to squeeze into lying down.
She had sneaked a mattress and several plastic bottles into the cubby hole, police said, adding that the women had been arrested.
"She told police that she had nowhere to live," the spokesman said. "She seems to have lived there for about a year, but not all the time."
It is unclear how she managed to enter the home undetected. Police suspect she might have been closet-hopping, moving from house to house.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
new patty hangout
Wow... Discovered this evening while surfing the web. Any site that lets you watch FREE movies, television shows and clips is well worth any cyber stroll down memory lane. For example, I present the classic below.
Thank you, Hulu!
Friday, May 23, 2008
2008 MTV Movie Awards Movie Spoof Contest- Finals
Do your funny bone a favor - follow the link below and VOTE as many times as your internet connection allows to increase Ryan's chances of walking on stage and accepting one of those cool MTV Movie Popcorn Trophies.
Again, the clip is "Matthew McConaughey Is Into The Wild" - it's hysterical and well-deserving.
Check it out AND VOTE.
patty boy
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
MTV Movie Spoof Contest
Friday, May 16, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Early Bird Sits Around and Waits
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
a patty tip #57
May 2008 is MY Month!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Oops I did it again.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
These shoes are made for walking...
In conclusion, high heels are a wonderful addition to an outfit only if a balancing pole is not required.
I am uncertain what became of Miss High Heels following this photo. While exiting however I do recall an overhead announcement---"Clean up toppled display cases on aisle 9...10, 11,12."
Hmmm...I wonder if her name was 'Bambi'?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Christmas in April
Today is April 26th. This is my good friend Jeff. This is Jeff's Christmas tree. This is Jeff taking down his Christmas tree on April 26th.
Congrats on your new house, Jeff.Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Move Over Nyquil
Suffering from the joys of West Texas seasonal allergies, I may have found my new best friend for this upcoming summer. I took a tablet an hour ago. All the snot and pressure is completely gone.
Now...if medical researchers can combine both NyQuil and Aleve, there would be no pain and suffering in the world. Get with it scientist people!
Remember when Barbie was a big deal?
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Paid Service
Friday, April 18, 2008
Shakin' Those Haters Off
Yesterday some bug hit me around 3PM. My stomach knotted; I had
chills; and my body was drained. I put my head down on my desk. Two
hours later I was at home in bed. Exhausted.
I hate being sick. Especially in spring or summer. Especially when it
feels like the flu. Especially when it forces me to bed early.
NyQuil is greatness. I am convinced if taken in its earliest stages, I
am almost certain, NyQuil could probably halt the AIDs virus. Maybe
Magic Johnson took it. Any time I feel any symptoms of ill trouble, my
immediate reaction is to grab the NyQuil. Last night was no different.
Today the chills and aches have subsided. I'm just tired. Ughhh...
Thanks, NyQuil!
Tonight I plan to spend another evening in bed. I feel much better.
Plus nothing beats a NyQuil dream. Gives me something to blog about.
Speaking of, why did one of my friends Scott Lewis turn into Neil
Patrick Harris in last night's dreams?
sent from patrick's iPhone
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Here is my theory on these infamous Little Johnny stories:
One drink leads to another and poor Fred is bored out of his everloving mind. His only saving grace is entertaining himself with a list he has secretly penciled on a bar napkin; it consists of special "favors" he believes he deserves for sitting through this hellish evening. Occasionally Helen glances at him prompting the list immediately into hiding. Knowing his wife, the list is purely fantasy, but jotting it down certainly is entertaining. Sixty minutes later, he is exhausted from hearing the intoxicated rants regarding school board politics, text books and daily lesson plans. The only thing keeping him from sitting outside in the car blazing a pack of smokes is watching Little Miss Music's exposed nipple peakaboo out of her tight blouse every time she giggles.
Turns out this little Johnny kid uses these words and a collection of others with eased consistency as most would use 'dog' or 'cat'. Visits to the principal's office only inspire him. Basically, he does everything Fred wished Denace the Menace would do---pulling down his pants to expose himself, smacking woman on their asses, substituting letters on English homework to create profanity. This Johnny kid is priceless. If he were older, Fred imagines, they would be great pals and chase skirts around town while Helen attended her PTA meetings. The stories were brilliant. Suddenly this Christmas party has some flavor.
Hours later, Fred, Helen and music teacher are the lone leftovers from the company Christmas Party. Hammered and hysterically laughing, they order more drinks, tell more stories and before you know it Fred has pulled out his list. On his deathbed, Fred would later recall this night as the greatest of his life.
2. Yeah right. Like she'd walk around in public like this. With all the media hounds constantly following her. Whatever. Hmmm... What if it is her? Can it be? Regardless, I wished I'd watched more episodes of "Friends".

4. Any explanation needed?

4. OK...I'm a guy. I have guy friends. Guys like boobies. Do women send these types of forwards but highlighting parts of the male anatomy? Interesting thought.