Friday, April 18, 2008

Shakin' Those Haters Off

I feel like I have the flu.

Yesterday some bug hit me around 3PM. My stomach knotted; I had
chills; and my body was drained. I put my head down on my desk. Two
hours later I was at home in bed. Exhausted.

I hate being sick. Especially in spring or summer. Especially when it
feels like the flu. Especially when it forces me to bed early.

NyQuil is greatness. I am convinced if taken in its earliest stages, I
am almost certain, NyQuil could probably halt the AIDs virus. Maybe
Magic Johnson took it. Any time I feel any symptoms of ill trouble, my
immediate reaction is to grab the NyQuil. Last night was no different.
Today the chills and aches have subsided. I'm just tired. Ughhh...

Thanks, NyQuil!

Tonight I plan to spend another evening in bed. I feel much better.
Plus nothing beats a NyQuil dream. Gives me something to blog about.
Speaking of, why did one of my friends Scott Lewis turn into Neil
Patrick Harris in last night's dreams?

sent from patrick's iPhone

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