Saturday, June 27, 2009

"he/him".... A boy.

I write this with no sleep, so who knows how this "blog" will turn out. Of course, for those of you who read my stuff, it will probably be the same wacky mess. Seriously, no sleep. The couch/bed offered in hospital rooms are less than comfortable to say the least. In fact, I am convinced the company that supplies beds to prisons may be the same who placed this particular cloud of heaven in this hospital room. Anytime sleep tried embracing me, I'd roll over and feel one of the many lumps in the cushioning, thinking I had discovered the whereabouts of my bunk mates hidden shank, which again led to the prison bed connection. But I digress, as I often do, sleep or no sleep.

Less than seven hours ago, our little family grew a little more. Miles Robinson was born at 1235AM, weighing 6 pounds, 15 ounces. We have a beautiful, new baby boy. A boy. Even with a fifty-fifty chance, the realization of a baby boy truly boggles my mind. Honestly, I had no "feeling" regarding the baby's gender over the last nine months. None whatsoever. Boy or girl? With Harper, my spidey senses led me to believe she would be a boy. Obviously, I am no SpiderMan. Darn it. When pulled from the womb, I was so shocked by the lack of "boy parts" and fumbled making the big announcement as if I did not know the difference between a boy or girl. Seeing the lack of "boy parts", I still wanted to proclaim "IT'S A...BOY" but with the deepest of sympathies. Poor guy, I thought. Poor little guy. And then, with some prompting, I snapped out of it and realized my instincts had failed miserably and he was actually a she.

Fast forward three years. Back to current day. This morning. A boy. Still, it sounds strange. A boy. Three years saying 'she' cannot be changed. A boy. Very exciting. Right before my eyes lies years of sitting on the couch watching football games, playfully debating who is greater, Batman or Spider-Man, and standing in the back yard tossing a baseball back and forth. A boy. A little brother for an older sister who is incredibly independent and a Diva. Poor thing will no doubt be the victim of numerous older sister tea parties and unsanctioned makeovers. Still, very exciting. Even typing this he still sounds quite strange. She is still the norm; but He will soon be. However, I am preparing myself for a new word around our household - 'they' -

They pulled down the book shelf and destroyed the room.

They drew all over their bedroom walls with markers.

They clogged the toilet with Play-doh.

They were asked not to come back to school tomorrow.

They are not at church camp; they are in Cancun.

They are the reason why we smile every day.

Good times are ahead. It will be one amazing journey!

Welcome to the world Miles Robinson :)

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