Friday, May 29, 2009

Run, RUN, RUN!!!!

Tonight, I completed a Nike+ challenge - 101 miles in 60 days.  

Going into the challenge, I seriously never thought I'd actually run 101 miles; I thought 60, maybe 70 miles tops.  In fact, at the start of the week with a little less than 20 miles to go, reaching the goal was a stretch, I thought.  Here's a little bragging, I suppose.  In two days, I managed to run 17 miles in two consecutive days---8.37 and 9.10 miles.  

With legs like Jell-O, I have reached my goal with 2 days to spare AND took the top spot on the leader board.  I'm tired.  Exhausted.  Never think you can't achieve.  It's in you.  Always think of the relief and joy awaiting after reaching your goal.  

Man, a massage is gonna be soooooo nice tomorrow :)

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