Friday, April 17, 2009

I Hate Clutter.

Allow me to go on record---it is official---WE NEED A NEW HOUSE.

After five years, we have outgrown our 1,800, 3-bedroom square foot house.  It is simply amazing how a toddler can take up so much space.  Amazing.  With another on the way, um, what will become of our home.  I hate clutter.  Unfortunately, I come by it honestly since my mom has a Master's degree.  My mom has more "stuff" in my parent's home.  The garage is filled with material for her flower business, not to mention useless items she got a bargain on at various stores, like Hobby Lobby and of course Wal-Mart.  My gosh, have I become my mother?  I hate clutter.  

I don't put the blame solely on my shoulder however.  Back to the 3-year old---oh, and there is my wife...  It has come to the point where walking through the darkened household is like walking through a field of land mines.  Is it just me, or is one of the goals of a toddler to randomly place toys and objects throughout every area of a house?  Right now, I am sitting on a deluxe Tinkerbell tea set.  Sadly, it has become commonplace and the pain of a deluxe Tinkerbell tea set firmly pressed against my underside is just another part of living in clutter.  

The house has exploded.  Too much everything everywhere.  One of my resolutions for 2009 was to keep the house a bit more tidy by picking up something out of place with every exit of a room, returning said object to its appropriate whereabouts.  Easy enough.  Um, not so much.  Under my plan, I'd need to leave a room about 7,628 times to feel resolved.  Four months later, I have abandoned my resolution.  I'm done.  I am defeated.  The demons of this household are stronger than I.  I am only one man.  Alone.  Right now, just me and the tea cup I'm sitting on.

I am rambling now.  

Back to it - WE NEED A NEW HOUSE cuz I hate clutter.

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