Sunday, March 8, 2009

Daylight Saving Trap

During the wee hours of the morning, clocks across the nation magically "spring forward" an hour, essentially skipping an hour.  Poof, vanished.  Gone.  

This morning while stretching the sleep off, I knocked something out of bed onto the floor.  It was not my iPhone, or the TiVo remote, or the DVD controller.  What was it?  I crawled out and looked under the bed.  There it was.  Amazing.  It was the stereo remote control. 

Amazing because this particular remote had mysteriously disappeared some 12 months ago.  To be more precise, late one Saturday night, the last time the household clocks were manipulated for, yes, Daylight Saving Time.  Now you too are amazed, right?

Although the scientific evidence is not available to help prove my following theory, this is what I believe happened:

During the last "spring forward", I theorize the stereo remote was somehow trapped within an alternate dimension in time.  I cannot explain how the remote fell victim to the time change black hole, nor can I explain why other objects were not lost (perhaps others were however), nor can I explain why the object did not find its way home this past fall when we turned the clocks back an hour thus reopening the theorized dimensional door.  True, my theory has holes, but so does "Lost" and I still happily watch it scratching my head every Wednesday night.  Nonetheless, somehow the remote was trapped between the hours of 2AM & 259AM over the past year.  Last night's time change, unlocked, or reversed, whatever happened and, POOF, the remote reappeared under my pillow just where it was last placed a year prior.  Amazing.  

Looking outside with the sun exactly where it was twenty-five hours ago, I wonder if something new is missing following last night's clock change?  What is gone?  What item has been trapped inside some alternate universe as of 2AM this morning?  What.....wait a second....  OMG...........MY LEFT FOOT IS GONE!!!!

Damn, Daylight Saving Time.

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