Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So... It's been awhile since my last post. Sorry. Life is a little crazy. I promise to get back into the blog swing very soon.

In the meantime, I wanted to post something special: Harper's first commercial. This is a PSA which will begin airing locally this week. It was shot a few days ago. Kudos to the crew for the super fast turnaround. I've mentioned that my Harper tends to be a DIVA. The idea of making her actually "behave" on camera worried me---incidentally, the same problem Paris Hilton's parents deal with, but on a completely different level. With a DIVA, you never know what to expect. We were delightfully surprised. She was wonderful. It took an hour to get comfortable around the lights, strange people and such, but we escaped without injury. She even got the biggest line. The director could not find a child who could say 'hand sanitizer' without babbling the words together until we all overheard Harper muttering the line while combing a Barbie doll's hair in the background. The line was passed down from a 6 year old to our little Harper. I must admit, it's all little bittersweet. I mean, I've done commercials for years and have yet to utter a line. Not even four, and she's already eclipsed my performances. Meanwhile, the other child remains unemployed.

Enjoy---and don't forget to duck the flu these upcoming months :)

Meanwhile, the other child remains unemployed.

1 comment:

Dane said...

I love it! She is so adorable! I am going to teach my kids to say hand sanitizer! Amazing! I love that she is divalicious! It makes it even better.