Friday, June 20, 2008

This Week's Rant

Two things I've noticed and wish to discontinue each store visit:

(1) I often visit various stores during my work hours.  Either I am purchasing items to take to physician clinics or simply killing a little time while hiding from the outside elements which normally is the heat and West Texas dust storms.  Continuing my rant, often while in stores, why do fellow shoppers seek me out, asking where to find items?  Do I look like someone who works at these stores?  The "outfit" for Hasting's, for instance, is an apron and polo-type shirt with whatever pants yet each time I've run into Hasting's some person will stop and ask me where to find "Bruce Almighty" on the rental shelf.  This shouldn't be such a bother, or topic for a blog, but it happens ALL THE TIME.  But, the best part about this: When the person asking discovers I do not work at the store sometimes they will get pissed and roll their eyes at me.  Really?  Rolling your eyes because I am not the person who can tell you where the new American Idols CD is located.  Interesting.  


(2) While checking out and I say, "Hey, this card does not scan.  Every time I am here, they must punch it in and one the managers has to complete the transaction", those words do not mean that I am lying, or do not know how to scan a credit card.  Therefore, you do not need to rip a piece of paper from your receipt machine, wrap it around my card and try for yourself over and over and over.  Why does this happen Sam's people?  Seriously.  OUR WAL-MART BUSINESS CARD NO LONGER SCANS.  Still, you choose to attempt to scan it every time.  Stop it.  Please.  The people waiting in line are sick of waiting; and I wish not to stay another 30 minutes in your store.  

There you have it.  My latest rants.

1 comment:

Zach Bean said...

Good news...the business card does scan now. I ordered us a new one.