Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We Are People

The men's bathroom
What are you doing at the urinals?  Two requests: 

(1) If the urinal is not one of those modernized jobs with automatic flush, would you mind flipping the handle and, yes, flushing?  The urinal cake cannot do the job on its own.  It needs your support. 

(2) Just curious, but what's the deal with the, um, lose of hair which is often sprinkled about the urinal?  I hesitate assuming where the hair comes from, but again what's the deal?  I mean, maybe you are combing or running your fingers through your hair while standing there---and what's the deal with that?  Nonetheless, allow me to emphasize the importance of the first point: Again, flushing will keep my eyes from seeing this as I do not wish to see this.  Please save any trimming for your personal facilities. 

(3) Even if you did not touch anything in the bathroom, reconsider not washing your hands.  Keep this point in mind: You will eventually shake, or possibly, hold someone's hand.  Would you want to be the other person?  Again, you did not touch anything in the bathroom but you did touch something unless you possess greater skills than I. 

(4) Finally, the "thing" you left in the toilet, see point number one.  

In conclusion, treat the public facilities as inside your own home.  We are not animals, needing to leave our marks, and by golly we can reach the water faucet.  We are people.  We are people.  We are people. 

People can flush.


Anonymous said...

I like the way you word things, :)
this was an awesome post.

Patrick said...

Thank you for the compliment - and looking at my blog! I cannot wait to read more of yours.