Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hammer, don't hurt him...

Perhaps the greatest commercial of all time.

Stop It. Please.

Are some people getting paid for forwarding email?  
Enough of these emails.  Please.


This  is what tired looks like

This  is what bad spelling looks  like

This  is what intimacy looks like

This  is what courage looks like

This  is what 'good grief!!' looks  like

This  is what your tax dollars look  like

This  is what 'I can wait' looks  like

This  is what a blonde's car looks  like 

This  is what cool looks like  

This  is what a helping hand looks  like 

This  is what cold looks like 

This  is what an angel looks like 


This  is what a bad mood looks like 

It  doesn't matter how many people you send this to,  just remember if it made you smile, your friends  will smile  too!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Every now and then, a person does something on television that mystifies us.  Something so incredible or unbelievable that the appearance leaves us either speechless or scratching your head for answers.  

The only answer I want following television moment: 
How the hell did a Waco station hire Brian "Boom Goes the Dynamite" Collins?

Friday, August 15, 2008

Word of Advice

Dear Broken Down Family on Corner:

For greater results, schedule break downs on various intersections AND 
note where you have set up camp to avoid panhandling in the same area 
with the same sign.

Also, I hope the nice car I saw you driving at Wal-Mart is not the 
aforementioned broke down vehicle. At that point, it worked fine but 
you needed money for medicine.

Good luck.

Monday, August 11, 2008


It always happens.  

No matter how much you dismiss it as 
an old wives' tale, or simply chalk it up as eerie coincidences, death comes in three's.  

This past weekend, we lost two entertainers - 
Bernie Mac died due to complications of pneumonia on Saturday; and then the great Isaac Hayes was found motionless on his floor near a treadmill.  He was pronounced dead shortly after at a local hospital.  

One, two... next?

This message is for both 
Todd Bridges and Gary Coleman: 

Don't drink and drive and sleep with one eye open.

RIP Bernie.  

RIP Isaac - 
you were one bad mutha....shut yo' mouth.